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3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0

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3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0 Empty 3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0

مُساهمة من طرف الغريب 1 14/06/08, 12:52 pm

3DMark® Vantage is the new industry standard PC gaming performance benchmark from Futuremark, newly designed for Windows Vista and DirectX10. It includes two new graphics tests, two new CPU tests, several new feature tests, and support for the latest hardware. 3DMark® Vantage is based on a completely new rendering engine, developed specifically to take full advantage of DirectX10, the new graphics API from Microsoft.

A key new feature in 3DMark® Vantage is the rendering option Presets. These pre-selected combinations of rendering option settings, like resolution, anti-aliasing and texture quality, represent different, successively more advanced levels of visual quality. When running 3DMark® Vantage with one of the presets selected, the benchmark produces an official score for that preset. Instead of the single default setting of previous 3DMarks, there are four Presets available for Entry, Performance, High and Extreme visual quality.

The 3DMark Vantage Pro ORB features are only available via 3DMark Vantage Advanced and Professional Editions.

3DMark® Vantage System Requirements
- Minimum System Requirements
• Processor
- Requirement : SSE2 support
- Recommendation : A dual-core processor with performance equivalent to Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, AMD Athlon X2 6000+, or higher
• Graphics Card
- Requirement : Fully DirectX10-compliant graphics hardware
- Recommended : 512MB of video memory (Needed to run every Preset)
• Display Device
- Requirement : Capable of 1280x1024 resolution
- Recommendation : Capable of 1920x1200 resolution (Needed to run every Preset)
• System Memory
- Requirement : Windows Vista minimum requirement
- Recommendation : 2 GB or more
• Hard Disk
- Requirement : 1 GB of free hard disk space
• Operating System
- Requirement : Windows Vista with Service Pack 1

• Compare your System to the Requirements :


Keygens and Serials;

الغريب 1
الغريب 1
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المشرف العام

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 373
العمر : 41
الاوسمة : 3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0 Wesaam12
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/06/2008

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0 Empty رد: 3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0

مُساهمة من طرف ايمن سعيد فى ذمة الله 14/07/08, 05:01 pm

ميه ميه يا باشا
تسلم يا قمر
ايمن سعيد فى ذمة الله
ايمن سعيد فى ذمة الله
المشرف العام
المشرف العام

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 792
العمر : 45
الاوسمة : 3DMark Vantage Professional Edition v1.0 Ebda4e_20
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/06/2008

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